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DEPT® is now officially an Amazon Ads Advanced Partner

Marc Aufzug
Marc Aufzug
2 min read
17 May 2022

For many years we have been part of the Amazon Ads Partner Network, which unites agencies and tool providers that focus their operations on helping advertisers in their business growth using Amazon Ads products. The main goal of the Partner Network is to fully support partners, for instance, the Network provides its partners with educational, technical, and marketing resources, as well as a self-service account through which partners can manage all of their company’s Amazon Ads interactions.

The Network also gives additional benefits to its Advanced Partners, and from now on, we are among them! This means, that apart from the usual support, we will also get access to:

  • Further educational content like best practices, case studies, and product videos
  • Amazon Ads API resources such as updates on new releases, and the option to merge our API and Partner Network accounts
  • Team training and certifications for proficiency validation

To officially become an Amazon Ads Advanced Partner, we’ve managed to meet the following criteria over the last year:

For Search:

  • Campaign management activity with one focus product per locale (for products: Sponsored Display, Sponsored Brands video, Amazon Live, or Posts)
  • At least 2 sponsored ads certified users through the learning console

For DSP:

  • Streaming Online video or private marketplace activation revenue for at least one Amazon DSP account under management
  • At least 2 Amazon DSP certified users through the learning console

There are only 30 Advanced Partners worldwide and four across Germany so we can’t be more proud! At the same time, it only adds to our responsibility and motivates us to provide even better services to our customers. You can get acquainted with them in our profile on Amazon Ads global partner directory.


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Marc Aufzug