Search Ads 360 (SA360)

Manage and optimize your search marketing campaigns seamlessly across different search engines.

Discover the potential of Search Ads 360.

Search Ads 360 is a comprehensive solution that provides a unified platform for tracking and optimizing your search campaigns. With automated campaign and bid management, advanced reporting features, and valuable cross-engine insights, you’re not just managing ads; you’re creating a powerful digital strategy. All in one place.

Key features of Search Ads 360

  • Intelligent automation and scaling: Search Ads 360 utilizes AI to optimize budget management. This intelligent automation ensures your ads reach their maximum potential while efficiently managing resources.
  • In-depth reporting at speed: By centralizing your real time data, this tool provides granular reports on your campaign performance. These reports offer actionable insights, helping you to understand the effectiveness of your strategies, control your performance, and make informed decisions.
  • Advanced optimization and bidding: This platform allows smart bidding towards different goal types, engine accounts, and custom metrics to optimize bidding on keywords and group levels. This helps optimize your advertising spending across the supported search engine accounts.

Get the most out of search advertising

With SA360, you can truly take your search campaign management to the next level.

Ready to get the most out of search advertising? Together, we’ll dive deeper into your current challenges and, accordingly, determine the best strategy.

Our clients

DEPT® has supported brands across the globe to maximize the potential of GMP

Questions about SA360? Speak with a GMP expert

Head of GMP resellership

Amir Hermon