Amazon Ads
Advanced Partner

As an Amazon Ads Advanced Partner, DEPT® is dedicated to delivering exceptional growth and engaging customer experiences across Amazon. 


Successful projects




Country coverage

More than the world’s leading marketplace

Amazon has become the biggest online marketplace in the world with a staggering 5.69 billion visits per month worldwide. But much beyond retail, Amazon’s data, visibility and advertising opportunities make it a branding channel that cannot be ignored.

As a market leader in vendor management, DEPT® supports vendors, sellers and advertisers with retail media, strategy, brand experience and marketplace management. But, we don’t stop at Amazon.

We are not only a partner across the entire operational spectrum, but also across marketplaces. We understand the needs of our clients and their customers and determine the most effective way to connect them.

Global reach

The network

The consistent and substantial growth we’ve helped our clients to achieve has earned us a spot among the highest tier of the Amazon Partner Network. As an Amazon Ads Advanced Partner, we are not only more accessible to advertisers, but we also have access to marketing and learning resources.

Our team continues to develop knowledge and expand expertise through events, webinars, technical documentation and latest release information available through the partner network.

Your partner

Started in Germany, DEPT® is now working in all Amazon-relevant markets, with in-house native speakers for every market.

Currently more than 125 international clients – including Sony Pictures, Bic, Henkel and Stanley Black Decker – trust DEPT® to optimise their Amazon Performance.

Talk to us about Amazon


Marc Aufzug
