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Understanding keyword enrichment – increase your online visibility

Kristoffer Hald
Kristoffer Hald
Data & Intelligence Director
3 min read
18 August 2018

Building strong keyword research has long been crucial in any kind of search marketing optimisation with the goal of increasing your performance on a given platform, such as Google Ads. Keyword enrichment is the process of using that keyword research to make your content even more attractive to search engines. In other words, you’re raising your visibility with select keywords. But what is the recipe for a solid and effective approach? Let’s take a look …

Automate the process

First of all, let’s consider the manual approach: You identify the keywords that are relevant for your account by pulling in contenders from various data sources such as Google Search Console, Google Ads search term reports, competitor data, as well as various other keyword research tools. Based on user intent, performance data, and volume, you then narrow it down to a short-list of keywords, identify corresponding landing pages, and create your new keywords and ads. A thorough but also quite lengthy process. 

The good news is, that you can almost completely automate this process, saving time and scaling performance. Not only can you set up an automated pipeline of all relevant data sources, but you can also automate the short-listing of keywords candidates. This is done by looking at the available performance data, but also by feeding the keywords to a machine-learning model in order to understand the semantic meaning of keywords, based on their similarity to your existing keywords. As the creation of ad groups, keywords, and ads can also be automated through the Google Ads API, you’re left with an almost completely automated process that only requires a quick human sanity check before going live. Needless to say, keywords that are already in the account will be excluded.

Meet the growth ambitions of the customer

Once the data is activated by means of connecting it to a feed management tool or through a direct data pipeline to the Google Ads API, the keyword enrichment model will automatically identify new keyword candidates and thereby help scale your Paid Search advertising. 

Traditionally speaking, the outlook has been: The more keywords in an account the better. But as Google’s keywords now match much broader, the current recommendation is to gradually shift to using fewer, broader keywords in combination with Smart Bidding, and then let Google identify new relevant search terms. However, the two approaches can be combined, and for many advertisers it’s still of great importance to have highly specific and granular keywords in their account setup. 

By reducing the effort needed to expand the keyword scope of the account, you can focus your energy on other aspects of Paid Search, where human input is still essential in order to grow your account and improve your performance. 

Tying it all together

In conclusion, by automating the keyword expansion process, you reduce the manual work in Google Ads, optimise your way of finding keyword opportunities, and help scale your advertising performance.

Consequently, you also accelerate your e-commerce business by increasing your online traffic as well as improving traffic quality.

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Data & Intelligence Director

Kristoffer Hald