DEPT® Lunch Break: Smarter IT

Leveraging Cloud & Integrations for the future of digital engineering

21 November 2023


The IT world is evolving and diversifying faster than ever before. Emerging technologies are altering our quality standards. AI is changing our business models. Customers are more tech-savvy and challenge our priorities. Low-code is accelerating development and opening new horizons. And cloud technologies are advancing our business and sustainability goals.

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DEPT® Lunch Break: Smarter IT


21 November 2023

This event took place on November 21, check the recordings of the sessions.

So, how do you navigate this fast-evolving landscape? Keep up with emerging tech and meet the demands of customers? Connect all the new technologies? And bridge the gap between business and IT?

Join us for the DEPT® Lunch Break: Smarter IT. During which Wesley Niels (Director Cloud EMEA at DEPT®), Jasper Steenweg (Integrations Director at DEPT®) and Lisse Mastenbroek (Head of Strategy at DEPT®), will share their insights about the future of IT and how to use Cloud Technologies and Digital Integrations to go about IT in a smarter way. Secure your seat and be at the forefront of the IT revolution.

Three key takeaways:
– The biggest trends in digital IT and engineering.
– How to adopt a smarter and client-driven Cloud approach.
– Tips to embrace new technologies for speed and business success.

Meet the speakers

Wesley Niels

Director Cloud EMEA at DEPT®

Jasper Steenweg

Integrations Director at DEPT®

Lisse Mastenbroek

Head of Strategy at DEPT®

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