AI Breakfast: How to kickstart AI tomorrow

DEPT® Office Amsterdam

3 July 2024

8:30 – 10:30 CEST

Artificial Intelligence is undeniably the most used word of the past year. Its rapid rise has made it a top priority within every organisation. But how do you turn a buzzword and hype into practical, applicable solutions that you can realise in the short term?

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AI Breakfast: How to kickstart AI tomorrow

DEPT® Office Amsterdam

3 July 2024

8:30 – 10:30 CEST

During the DEPT® AI Breakfast, we will guide you through the latest developments in AI. Perhaps even more importantly, we will cover concrete use cases from companies that are successfully using AI in tech and marketing and explain how they achieved this. Our focus will be on impactful solutions with relatively low complexity—solutions you can start working on immediately.

08:30 Walk-in & Breakfast
09:00 Welcome & State of AI
09:20 Empowering Content Creation with AI
09:40 AI: Realising the Vision of Personalisation
10:00 Redefining Experience Benchmarks with AI

Sign up now and join us in our office in Amsterdam on Wednesday, the 3rd of July, from 8:30 to 10:30 for an inspiring breakfast to discuss how AI can help you tomorrow.

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Meet the speakers

Lisse Mastenbroek

Head of Strategy at DEPT®

Job Deibel

Data & AI Director at DEPT®

Anneloes van Vugt

Head of Content at DEPT®

Franklin Schamhart

Head of Design at DEPT®