Online gaming in the real world with Nerf

Nerf, one of the leading children’s toy companies in the world, is known for its flashy coloured blasters and the endless fun they provide. However, in 2019, the blaster giant faced a number of challenges and turned to DEPT® to help them reconnect with their target audience. By helping the brand to reposition itself, Nerf is back on top.

An increase in competition

The global children’s toy company, which emerged in 1969, creates a variety of “safe-foam” products ranging from sports balls to dart blasters. In recent years, competition in the toy industry has greatly increased, especially with the rise of online gaming, and brands have a shorter and shorter lifecycle.

Nerf was facing a similar problem in the Dutch market; they were no longer considered “cool” and had more companies than ever to compete against. Nerf had a clear goal in mind: to achieve an additional +8% in revenue. For us, this translated into one goal: we wanted Nerf toys to reappear on children’s Christmas lists.

Getting Nerf Toys back on Christmas lists

Our approach

Connecting with gamers

A three-step plan

Combining both online and offline worlds

By harnessing the power of both online and offline aspects, our experts helped Nerf to achieve substantial sales growth with the help of smart campaigns, using four strategically chosen influencers. Come Christmas time, Nerf was back to being one of the most desired items on a kid’s wishlist.


VP of Growth, Experience and Engineering

Lizzie Powell

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