Audley Travel

Elevating the customer experience with Marketing Cloud Personalisation

In 2023, Audley Travel, a market-leading travel company with a stronghold in the US and UK, found themselves at a crossroads. Well-known for curating tailor-made holidays across 90 countries, the company wanted to provide a more rounded and personalised client experience. 

Audley uses Salesforce as their CRM technology of choice, and following a collaborative discovery session between the three organisations, DEPT® (as a Salesforce premium technology partner) proved to be the natural choice to implement Marketing Cloud to revolutionise Audley’s cross-channel marketing efforts. And so we seized the opportunity to mark a transformative chapter in Audley’s email marketing journey.

The objective: re-engaging users

Audley Travel had a straightforward yet ambitious objective: to launch three high-ROI use cases rooted in user website behaviour. Utilising AI-based product recommendations by Salesforce’s Einstein, the intent was to re-engage users who had abandoned an itinerary, a destination, or an enquiry page by sending them a tailored email reminder one day after their initial interaction. These emails were designed either to nudge the user toward completing their booking or to present curated itineraries that aligned with their most-viewed destinations.

Unveiling the power of Marketing Cloud Personalisation

By implementing Marketing Cloud Personalisation, Audley Travel laid the foundation of its first-party data strategy, effectively creating a walled garden of proprietary customer data. This approach not only allows for a nuanced understanding of customer behaviours but also empowers the brand to build powerful user segments for targeted campaigns. 

Leveraging AI-driven recommendation systems, each email is dynamically personalised according to user affinities such as destination and itinerary interests, as well as incomplete forms. This personalisation strategy is underpinned by the collection and analysis of user behavioural data across various digital touchpoints, providing valuable insights into the customer journey. Specifically, these touchpoints encompass both our website and email interactions. On the website, we track a user’s behaviour down to the minutiae – what pages they visit, the itineraries they explore, categories and destinations they express an interest in, and even the duration of time they spend on each itinerary. Similarly, within our email campaigns, we closely monitor metrics like email open rates and timestamps to understand the optimal timing and content that resonates with each user. 

In doing so, Audley Travel succeeds in breaking down existing data silos, gaining a robust understanding of their customers’ online behaviour and needs, thus setting the stage for a seamless cross-channel experience.

In summary: personalisation meets performance

In just a few months, Audley Travel and DEPT® rolled out a fast, ROI-driven personalisation strategy through Marketing Cloud. This quick implementation met key revenue targets and gave Audley the flexibility to adapt to customer needs and market changes. The project serves as a key milestone, offering Audley an adaptable framework that aligns well with their long-term business objectives that focuses on and improves the overall customer experience.

Explore DEPT®/TRAVEL, our team of specialists pioneering solutions to help travel brands to grow sales, and utilise data & AI to create best-in-class experiences.


Marketing Automation Consultant

Alexander Van Rompuy

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