DEPT® Talks: Fashion’s next normal
Coco Chanel famously said that, “In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.”
It’s time for brands to forget about the “new normal” and start work on the next normal. And, thanks to digital, this “normal” will be anything but.
Technology has unlocked innovative new ways for brands to amplify their unique brand identity and tap into the needs of digital native customers. DEPT® has already helped brands like ASOS, Patagonia and Ganni enter the next normal by developing social commerce campaigns and re-defining the e-commerce customer experience.
Join us in exploring fashion’s next normal, during a day of DEPT® Talks featuring speakers across fashion, tech & everything in between. Learn from industry leaders, including those below, what their plans are for the digital future.
DEPT® Talks: Fashion’s next normal
November 18 – October 18
15:30 – 17:30