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DEPT® and Crownpeak to host event for regulated industries
DEPT® is teaming up with technology partner Crownpeak to host a dinner for Regulated Industry senior executives on 21 November in London.
Over dinner, the open discussion will give attendees the opportunity to share perspectives on how to deliver an effective and intelligent customer experience in a regulated environment.
Questions we’ll be addressing include:
- What customer behaviours are redefining the approach to digital?
- What are the main regulatory stumbling blocks to an effective customer experience?
- How can you serve the self-service customer and provide greater autonomy?
- How do you balance the demand for personalisation with legislation such as GDPR?
- What governance mechanisms need to be built in to digital strategy?
- How can you use and combine data to deliver a more intelligent experience?
- What are the options to improve the speed and agility of the customer experience?
- New models, platforms and marketplaces – what’s on the horizon for regulated industries?
DEPT® and Crownpeak both have extensive experience of delivering digital solutions for organisations in regulated industries, including finance, health care and life sciences, chemicals, utilities and many more.
When: Wednesday 21 November 2018
Where: 1 Lombard Street, London
You can apply to attend this free event on the Nimbus Ninety website, or by calling them on +44 (0)203 598 2237.
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