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Cutting through the noise: Tips and tricks for capturing and keeping users’ attention

Brian Robinson
Brian Robinson
Managing Director UK
2 min read
19 December 2018

Are you one of the 80% of people who check their smart phones before brushing their teeth? Before we’ve even said good morning to our loved ones, most of us can be found scrolling through Twitter to check what is going on in the world, aimlessly scrolling through Instagram to see what our friends are up to, or clearing down our WhatsApp notifications.

The amount of content that is available for us to consume at any point of the day or night has reached epic proportions. When Twitter first launched in 2007, users published 5,000 tweets a day. Today, the figure stands at 500 million. On WordPress alone, there are nearly 75 million blog posts published every month, and we share 3.2 billion images every day.

With so much content being created and shared every second, how do content marketers cut through the noise to capture and keep users’ attention?

Cutting through the noise

In order to cut through the noise, content marketers must focus our attention on one thing and one thing only: what makes users click?

The first step to getting people engaging with your content is to draw them in with a catchy headline that captures attention. So, what makes a good headline?

Keeping users’ attention

So, you’ve managed to get someone to click your catchy headline. Now what? Once you have your users present, the next challenge is to keep their attention by making content as immersive and engaging as possible.

Make 2019 the year of great content

If you’re still producing long form blogs, now’s the time to stop and rethink your content. As the way we consumer content evolves and adapts, so should your content strategy. The best content is easy to consume, engaging and impactful. Swap words for images, static for animated, and to instructions to game play. Your users will thank you for it.

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