Google Tag Manager 360 (GTM360)

Streamline the process of managing digital marketing tags, enhancing your website’s performance and data accuracy.

Discover Tag Manager 360.

Tag Manager 360 is a user-friendly solution that revolutionises how you manage and implement tracking tags. With its easy-to-use interface, customisable triggers, built-in debugging tools, and support for a plethora of tag types, you’re not just managing tags, you’re improving your website’s performance and ensuring accurate data collection.

Key features of Tag Manager 360

  • Access to unlimited workspaces and approval workflows: Tag Manager 360 allows for the creation of unlimited workspaces and customisable approval workflows. These features support robust collaborative environments and provide greater control over changes, ensuring the right tags are published at the right time.
  • Built-in debugging tools: The platform includes tools to troubleshoot and fix issues in real-time. These debugging capabilities ensure smooth tag implementation, enhancing data accuracy and reliability. – Support for numerous tag types: The tool supports a wide variety of tag types. This versatility allows businesses to track a comprehensive set of metrics, providing a holistic view of website performance.
  • Usage of zones: Tag Manager 360 offers an exclusive usage of zones, perfect for managing large-scale projects. Zones allow you to connect additional Tag Manager containers from your account or even third-party accounts. Essentially, when your main container loads on your website, these linked containers can also activate their tags. This means more control, efficiency, and security in managing all your tags, no matter where they come from.

Unlock the power of streamlined tracking

Tag Manager 360 allows you to simplify your tracking process and gain greater control over your data. You can deploy and manage website tags effortlessly, eliminating the need for complex code changes.

Keen to unlock the power of streamlined tracking? Let us help you understand your current challenges and take charge of your digital strategy accordingly.

Our clients

DEPT® has supported brands across the globe to maximize the potential of GMP

Questions about GTM360? Speak with a GMP expert

Head of GMP resellership

Amir Hermon